Monday, August 25, 2014


Applied linguistics is, arguably, the discipline that has made the more contributions to the field of language teaching. This field of applied knowledge implies solving real-world language-related problems using theories and developments from interdisciplinary frameworks (linguistics, psycho-linguistics, psychology, sociology among many others). Of course, as we speak of "real-world language-related problems", these include many other things beyond language teaching. Artificial languages, artificial intelligence, speech and language therapy, linguistic policy and planning, linguistic couching, translation are all domains of applied linguistics. 

In this course, we will overview the field, its related disciplines and its different implications and applications for society. Yet, we will place special emphasis on language teaching considering the nature of your major and studies. 

Please download the course syllabus and start checking on the different information available in this blog. And have a look at the complete list of readings for the course. Please take some time to look at the detailed description of the assessment for the course.

Carlos Mayora